Tuesday, July 17, 2007

A pig without wings can't fly

I'm not here to flex my mental muscles, dazzle you with a fireworks display of words, create an analogy or display obscene sacreligious photos. I'm not here to insert words from a language I've hardly mastered, but in my opinion Schaeffer is a бздёнок.

As a prophet he joins the ranks of the best and the worst. Yawn.

No one commented on his attempt to Christianize science, so I will. Maybe "modern" and "modern modern" (what an uncreative idiot) science was built by Christian hands, it doesn't really matter, because regardless that foundation, that bedrock was most certainly paid for by the Church, and for the most part not a prostestant church, but those Mary lovers. Schaeffer spends most of the book bashing this three-fourths of the Christian world, then praises the knowledge that their money was able to buy. If you doubt me, the first telescope, the eye to the cosmos was paid for by the Pope, and probably sprinkled with holy water, maybe even asked to lead a round of prayers to the Virgin/not really a virgin anymore.

I'm not going to give you a gallimaufry synopsis of the rest of the book. Honestly, I was completely indifferent to it all. The General would salute me and say, "That's my boy."

1 comment:

Rick said...

So young; so very, very angry.